Catches Fish.
Anywhere. Anytime.
Baitmate Fish Attractants incorporate the tastes, scents and visual stimulants that trigger the predatory instincts in all species of fish.
Our special formulas provide both the avid sport fishing enthusiast and the recreational fisherman every advantage.

Baitmate Fish Attractants incorporate the tastes, scents and visual stimulants that trigger the predatory instincts in all species of fish. No other fish attractant is as effective or affordable. Our improved formulas are highly concentrated to provide maximum results while offering long-lasting adhesion to lures and live bait. The Flip & Dip Jar delivery system offers easy, hands free application. Baitmate provides both the avid fishing enthusiast and the recreational fisherman every advantage to catch more fish.
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“Baitmate is the most amazing product I have ever used. It has made a huge difference in my fishing.“
“Such great products, I use all the scents throughout the day.“