Prevalence 31.6 million Americans are estimated to have symptoms of eczema, including 17.8 million with symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Worldwide, about 20 percent of children and up to 3 percent of the adult population have some form of eczema. Those who live in...
MG217 Articles
Eczema Triggers
Knowledge is power: here’s how to treat and minimize eczema flare-ups. Although what causes eczema, or dermatitis, is still unknown, what we do know is that the condition can be triggered by environmental factors like skin irritants, allergens, microbes, hot or cold...
Psoriasis and Depression
Let’s be honest—psoriasis flare-ups aren’t fun. They can be uncomfortable, unattractive, and sometimes unnerving. So it might come as no surprise that there is a link between those who suffer from psoriasis and depression. It’s a vicious cycle, really. Flare-ups may...
Psoriasis—More Than Just Skin Deep
First and foremost, psoriasis is a skin condition. But new studies are showing that this same condition that inflames and irritates the elbows, knees, and scalps of 125 million people worldwide can also have a negative impact on bone density, resulting in osteopenia...
Diet and Psoriasis? Go With Your Gut
The Internet is full of helpful information to educate and assist people dealing with psoriasis. Scientific and medical research has made tremendous strides in identifying the challenges of—and solutions to—living with this inflammatory disease that affects millions...
Eczema in Infants — Treatment and Prevention
It’s not an uncommon sight for new parents — an itchy, scaly patch on their baby’s cheeks, or uncomfortable-looking red areas in the folds of their skin. The fact is that 70% of eczema cases start in children younger than 5 years...
Preventing Eczema in Newborns: Mom’s Nutrition is Key
We wrote on the challenges of eczema in infants, noting that 70% of eczema cases begin in children younger than five—and how around 60% of infants with eczema will continue to have symptoms into adulthood. Knowing this, expectant mothers will want to do everything...
Eczema and Allergies – is there a link?
One of the things that makes living with eczema so challenging is how complicated it can all get. Different triggers for different people, flare-up frequency and intensity changing with the weather, or the way in which seemingly unrelated issues can actually be...
Fighting Fire with Fire
When you hear the words “fire ant,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Creepy crawlies? Stinging bites? They certainly live up to their name, and almost everyone would consider them a public nuisance. But psoriasis sufferers might yet find a reason to love...