Coleman Insect Repellents
Enjoy Being Outside Together
Sporting events, yard work, cookouts, recreation, it seems there’s always something that brings you outside on a regular basis, and that’s a good thing. Make sure you’re protected from biting insects so you can fully enjoy your time outside. Welcome back to the great outdoors, made better with Coleman.
Coleman Gear and Clothing Insect Treatment Spray
Permethrin active ingredient for long-lasting protection For treatment of shoes, clothing, nets, gear, and tents (Not to be applied to the skin) Lasts up to 2 weeks through several washes Repels and kills mosquitoes, ticks, and mites Aluminum can with twist locking...
Coleman Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent
Coleman Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent offers plant-based protection from ticks and mosquitos Comprised of 3 ingredients: Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus, ethyl alcohol, and deionized water Non-greasy, pleasantly fragranced formula Complete protection against...
Coleman SkinSmart DEET Free Insect Repellent Spray
Coleman SkinSmart features IR3535® – a CDC recommended alternative to DEET that provides up to 8 hours of protection Odorless, fast-drying formula with dry feel technology for non-greasy coverage Complete protection against mosquitos and ticks Repels mosquitos that...
Coleman 100 Max Mosquito Repellent DEET Insect Repellent Spray
Coleman 100 Max is the longest-lasting DEET protection available, with up to 10 hours of protection. The most concentrated insect repellent you can buy with 98.11% DEET The low odor formula provides up to 10 hours of protection For adults and children, do not use it...
Coleman 40% DEET Sportsmen Insect Repellent
Made with active ingredient 40% DEET Offers up to 8 hours of unscented protection Aluminum can with twist locking cap is lightweight, rust-resistant, and sprays at any angle For adults and children, do not use it on infants 6 ounce aerosol spray sold as single or twin...
Coleman 25% DEET Dry Insect Repellent
Offers up to 8 hours of effective dependable protection Ultra dry formula, powder dry, not oily or greasy Unscented DEET repellent For adults and children, do not use it on infants 4-ounce aerosol spray sold as single or twin pack Directions For Use: Shake well before...
Coleman Tick Protection 25% DEET Dry Insect Repellent
Made with active ingredient 25% DEET Offers up to 8 hours of tick protection Dries quickly and leaves skin feeling greaseless and touchable Fragrance-free For adults and children, do not use it on infants Directions For Use: Shake well before each use Hold container 6...
Coleman Outdoor Yard & Camp Fogger
Kills insects that land on treated surfaces for up to 8 hours - including mosquitoes, flies, gnats, ticks and more Kills mosquitoes that may carry West Nile virus Excellent for backyards, campsites, picnic areas and patios Adds another layer of insect protection for...
How do I Best Avoid Getting Bit by Insects?
In addition to using Coleman Repellent products, there are other measures you can take to avoid being part of an insects breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s not just the bite and irritation that comes with it that put you at risk. Mosquitoes can carry serious diseases such as West Nile Virus, Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, Malaria, and Dengue Fever. Ticks have long been known carriers of Lyme Disease. Instances of mosquito borne Rocky Mountain Fever are also rising dramatically. Here are a few tips to protect yourself and your family against these blood-feeding insects and the diseases they can carry.
Keep mosquitoes from breeding by emptying or covering any receptacles around the home that can pool water.
- Keep mosquitoes from breeding by emptying or covering any receptacles around the home that can pool water.
- Gutters should be kept clean so water flows properly.
- Change the water in birdbaths every few days.
- Cover wading pools, hot tubs and outdoor saunas.
- Make your local health department aware of standing water in your area.
When outdoors, wear protective clothing when appropriate.
- Loose, long-sleeve shirts and long pants, shoes and socks all help to keep insects from contact with your skin.
- Keep the colors light as mosquitoes are more attracted to darker hues.
Avoid and Repel Mosquitoes
- Use a Coleman Yard & Camp Fogger around your campsite once a day to keep the bugs at bay.
- Use personal repellent, like 40% Deet or SkinSmart, on all exposed skin.
- Consider using mosquito netting, like those available from Coleman, if the bugs are exceptionally bad.
- Wear light colored clothing. Mosquitoes aren’t as attracted to it.
- Don’t set up camp near stagnant water or swampy areas, swamps are usually home to many biting insects.
- Pitch your tent entrance facing the breeze so mosquitoes don’t congregate at your door.
- Look for a campground that is regularly treated for mosquitoes. They will still have some, but not as many as an untreated site.
- Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk. During these times, change into long pants, long sleeved shirts, socks and shoes to protect yourself.
- Avoid scented personal products while camping. They can be a strong attractant for bugs.
Avoid, Repel and Remove Ticks
- Avoid ticks by staying on the trails and avoiding dense, grassy areas.
- If you find a tick on your person, grab it with some tweezers to remove it. Don’t crush the tick’s body because this can cause bacteria to enter your skin. Once you remove the tick, wash the area with soap & water. If you believe part of the tick is still in your skin, see a medical professional.
- Wear light colored clothing, ticks can be seen more easily on light colors.
- Use personal repellent, like 40% Deet or SkinSmart, on all exposed skin.
We Know the Outdoors
Pharmacal is the official licensee of Coleman Insect Repellents and Hygiene products. Our line of insect repellents bring innovation and convenience to the category with a DEET Free SkinSmart formulation, and a variety of formulations in a unique Bag-on-valve delivery system.